Experienced UK-based Ruby on Rails Developer and Tech Lead
I help organisations design, build and ship great software. I also love to teach digital skills so I livestream Ruby on Rails content each week to support the community and learners.
Pragmatically product focused
Shaping and shipping a project or feature involves more than code. With experience across organisations of all sizes, I'm ideally placed to help get your next big thing delivered on time and within budget. Recognising trade-offs early, calling them out and making decisions or recommendations as required are a huge part of my experience, both in-house and as an external consultant.
Team player and team leader
Some projects and organisations are in need of leaders to help talented teams get something amazing shipped. Sometimes, you just need someone to hit the ground running and start contributing. Whichever you need right now, I might be able to help.
Great organisations, doing amazing work
I’ve been privileged to work with some amazing organisations, delivering great digital projects. Whether it’s transforming access to education, re-writing the rules for sharing-economy accommodation services or creating a new angle on live events supporting good causes. I'm proud of the work I've been part of shipping, and equally proud of the people who worked together to make it happen.
An eye for design.
User iterface (UI) and user experience (UX) design have always been passions of mine. Whether building a UI design framework from scratch, making pragmatic choices to extend legacy UI’s or live-streaming my work in Sketch app, I take pride in considering design at all points of my work.